Penegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pencurian Kayu Hutan di Kabupaten Musi Banyu Asin
(1) Jl. Jend. A. Yani 13 Ulu Palembang, Indonesia
Illegal Logging is the most influential factors which had caused 56% of totally 808.280 Ha forest in Musi Banyu Asin District damaged. The fact above is interesting to be observed further, especially dealing with: 1) Factors which caused wood thieft in the forest in Musi Banyu Asin District; 2) The Law Enforcement to the offenders of the wood theft; and, 3) The obstacle in solving wood thieft in the forest in Musi Banyu Asin District. This research is executed in order to find the answer of the problems above by using sociological legal research and by using qualitative method to analysis the primary and secondary data. As the result of the research, it is founded that factors which caused wood thieft in the forest in Musi Banyu Asin District among others; economic factor, social legal consciousness factor, law enforcement factor, unemployment factor, cultural factor, and the high demand of the wood. Meanwhile the obstacle in solving wood thieft in the forest in Musi Banyu Asin District, among others; the offender usually economically very poor people and the result of the wood thieft just to fulfill their basic needs; the amount of the forest guards far beyond the forest to be observed; and the geographic condition of Musi Banyu Asin District which mostly consist of marsh and swamp.
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