Fungsi dan Kewenangan Praperadilan
(1) Gedung C.4. Lt. 1, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang 50229
This study is aimed at analyze the function of looking at the pretrial hearing whether or not valid arrest, detention, and termination of the investigation; the legal impact of the suspect after the pretrial lawsuit; the legal consequences for the suspect to the revocation of the termination letter pretrial investigation after the verdict. The results of pre-trial functions in terms of whether or not valid arrest, detention, and the termination of this investigation as a control tool for investigators in conducting investigations for alleged human rights guaranteed in the level of investigation and the law is not violated by the officer, while on the legal impact of pretrial defendants are get right to freedom of movement which is wholly owned by the suspect after the court decision that sets the arrest and detention on the inspection declared invalid and if the investigation declared illegal the termination putusanya it will have an impact on the case terminated, and other impacts that can be felt for a suspect that is the fulfillment the rights of suspects and protection of human rights possessed by every citizen. In addition, related to the legal consequences for the suspect to the lifting of suspension of investigation is the process of investigation dilanjutkanya suspected criminal cases to the decision of the Court.
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