Tinjauan Yuridis Normatif Berbagai Peraturan Tentang Alih Fungsi Tanah Pertanian di Indonesia
(1) Gedung C.4. Lt. 1, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang 50229
(2) Gedung C.4. Lt. 1, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang 50229
Over the function of agricultural land mostly used for residential, industrial supply, highways and other public facilities, where all the allotment of land conversion effort is due to population growth and economic development. Many laws and policies related to land use or attempt to control the conversion of agricultural land, but look at what the phenomenon of transfer functions of land development / conversion of agricultural land that has been so rapid, suggesting that the regulation is less effective. This research is intended to indentify and analyze the regulations related to agricultural land convertion. However, the regulations are not effective enough to protect the agricultural land convertion. Ineffective implementation of these rules seem obvious in times of regional autonomy, because it is very possible that general rules issued by the central government becomes increasingly less effective, due to the independence of district / city government to formulate its own development policy.
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