Perlindungan Hak Buruh Migran Oleh Negara Dalam Kedudukannya Sebagai Subyek Hukum Internasional
(1) Jl. Ngagel Jaya Selatan 169Surabaya, 60284 Indonesia
The treatment of foreigners in a country associated with the study of the state’s responsibility in protecting its citizens abroad. It is highly influenced in equilibrium between two fundamental rights which are owned by a country. State has the right to exercise jurisdiction within its own territory, free from supervision by other states. This research is intended to analyze the Legal Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers by the State in its Capacity as Subject of International Law and on how the state’s role in the formation of international law governing the protection of the rights of migrant workers, who are in this case individual, as well as how the implementation of international law be enforced.
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