Tingkat Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Menggunakan Hak Suara pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014
(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang
People participation in the generale election is a parameter of the democracy development. This research is intended to analyze the people participation in the 2014 election by taking case in the Godong subdistrict, Grobogan Regency, Central Jawva. The results showed that the rate of Public Participation in the Use of Voting Rights in the 2014 legislative elections in District Godong Grobogan this time slightly increased in comparison to the legislative elections in 2009, from 67% to 69%. In choosing a political party because the people chose not fanatical on a political party, but as seen from the achievements and performance of the leaders or members who are in a political party. The high urban communities in the District Godong also be the cause of the high rate of abstention. An abstention human rights, but if the people can not vote because not registered as Permanent Voters List is a violation of human rights, as has removed political rights as citizens are entitled to vote. Conclusions of this study is the level of community participation in the use of voting rights in the 2014 legislative elections in District Godong Grobogan slightly increased when compared to the 2009 legislative elections.
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