Fahma Ilmian Syah(1),



The experiment aim to know the effect of cooling water flow rate and condenser position to the
pyrolysis product and the heat transfer rate occurring on the condenser. Flow rate of water as condenser coolant
about 2 L / min, 3 L / min 4 L / min, and 5 L / min. Position of condenser used is horizontal, vertical and slope
about 45 degree. These variables are used to evaluate the performance of the condenser through the acquisition
of condensed oil and heat transfer rate. The result of the research shows that flow rate of condenser coolant
greatly influences the amount of pine sap oil produced. Increase of condenser coolant water flow the volume
of pine sap oil produced is increasing. The condenser position also affects the amount of volume of pine sap
oil produced. The larger the angle of the condenser slope the volume of pine sap oil produced decreases. The
highest amount of oil is produced at flow rate 5 L / min at a horizontal condenser position with an oil amount
of 71 ml, and the least amount of oil produced at a flow rate 2 L / min in a vertical position with an oil amount
of 54 ml. The Result show that number of heat transfer increase along with increasing flow rate of condenser
coolant. Its due baecause cooling water flow rate more absorp of heat. The greater the angle of the slope at the
condenser the heat transfer rate is greater. Increasing angle of slope causes the fluid flow rate to be slower due
to head loss.


Position of condenser, condensation, pyrolysis, pine resin and flow rate.

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