Autocomplete and Spell Checking Levenshtein Distance Algorithm To Getting Text Suggest Error Data Searching In Library

Muhamad Maulana Yulianto(1), Riza Arifudin(2), Alamsyah Alamsyah(3),

(1) Semarang State University
(2) Semarang state university
(3) Semarang state university


Nowadays internet technology provide more convenience for searching information on a daily. Users are allowed to find and publish their resources on the internet using search engine. Search engine is a computer program designed to facilitate a user to find the information or data that they need. Search engines generally find the data based on keywords they entered, therefore a lot of case when the user can’t find the data that they need because there are an error while entering a keyword. Thats why a search engine with the ability to detect the entered words is required so the error can be avoided while we search the data. The feature that used to provide the text suggestion is autocomplete and spell checking using Levenshtein distance algorithm. The purpose of this research is to apply the autocomplete feature and spell checking with Levenshtein distance algorithm to get text suggestion in an error data searching in library and determine the level of accuracy on data search trials. This research using 1155 data obtained from UNNES Library. The variables are the input process and the classification of books. The accuracy of Levenshtein algorithm is 86% based on 1055 source case and 100 target case.


Autocomplete, Spell Checking, Levenshtein Distance, Library Automation, Data Searching

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Scientific Journal of Informatics (SJI)
p-ISSN 2407-7658 | e-ISSN 2460-0040
Published By Department of Computer Science Universitas Negeri Semarang
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