Preventing Child Marriage: Advocating for Marriage Age Education to Foster Family and National Resilience Cegah Perkawinan Anak: Advokasi Pendidikan Usia Perkawinan untuk Membina Keluarga dan Ketahanan Nasional

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Dian Latifiani
Anis Widyawati
Nike Natasya Dewi Sumartono
Rahmawati Melati Sani
Choirul Fuad
Sulthan Faiz Akbar
Kareem Mubarak


Children are the buds of the nation's hope that have rights and protection as mandated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence so that they are free from various threats or treatment that degrades human dignity. Other regulations that support child protection are regarding the age limit for marriage as stipulated in Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to the Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974, which is 19 years old. However, the empirical reality shows that the target community, namely Fatayat, does not fully understand the urgency that the minimum age of marriage is 19 years. This research is a community service program funded by Semarang State University in Fatayar, South Semarang District, Semarang City. This paper aims to provide an increased understanding of the age of marriage in order to build family resilience in Fatayat, South Semarang District, Semarang City. The results of the study of 11 participants showed a tendency to increase understanding. This research includes several important stages, namely analysis of partner problems, science and technology needs for the community, coordination with partners, outreach and evaluation.

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How to Cite
Latifiani, Dian, Anis Widyawati, Nike Natasya Dewi Sumartono, Rahmawati Melati Sani, Choirul Fuad, Sulthan Faiz Akbar, and Kareem Mubarak. 2022. “Preventing Child Marriage: Advocating for Marriage Age Education to Foster Family and National Resilience”. Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Legal Community Engagement) 5 (2), 277-58.


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