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Titi Fatmawati
Sri Ngabekti
Bambang Priyono


Nyamuk merupakan serangga yang memiliki peranan penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Aedes spp merupakan salah satu spesies nyamuk yang berperan sebagai pembawa vektor penyebab Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Sukorejo salah satu Kelurahan dari 5 kelurahan yang bernaung di bawah Puskesmas Sekaran yang merupakan daerah dengan kasus DBD tertinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi dan kelimpahan larva nyamuk Aedes spp. di Kelurahan Sukorejo Gunungpati Semarang berdasarkan peletakan ovitrap. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksploratif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara mengamati ovitrap, mengidentifikasi larva, dan menghitung indeks ovitrap. Pemasangan ovitrap diletakkan di dalam dan di luar pemukiman, kebun dan sekolah dasar di 6 RW dan 3 SD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah ovitrap positif terbanyak di RW 11 dengan Indeks Ovitrap 15,2% dan kerapatan 608 butir/ovitrap, dan terendah SD 2 dengan Indeks Ovitrap 0,9% dan kerapatan 71 butir/ovitrap. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan spesies Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus pada semua lokasi penelitian. Nyamuk Aedes spp. terdapat di semua lokasi penelitian dengan pusat distribusi di RW 11 dan memiliki skor 2 yang menunjukkan potensi kerawanan penyakit DBD rendah. Kelimpahan populasi tertinggi dilihat dari kerapatan jumlah telur per ovitrap terdapat di RW 11


Mosquito are insect that have an important role in human life. Aedes spp. is one of the species of mosquitoes which act as carriers of the vector causing Dengue Haemoragig Fever (DHF). Sukorejo is one of villages with the highest cases of DHF and it is also one of 5 villages which are supervised by Puskesmas Sekaran. The purpose of this research was determining the distribution and larvae abundance of Aedes spp. in Sukorejo Village, Gunungpati district, Semarang regency based on the location of ovitrap. The research was an explorative research. The data was taken by observing ovitrap, identifying larvae and calculating the ovitrap index. The ovitraps were placed inside and outside the houses, gardens on 6 RW (Neighborhood union) and 3 Elementary Schools. The results showed that the highest number of positive ovitrap was found in RW 11 with 15.2 % IO and with density of 608 grains/ovitrap, and the lowest number was found in Elementary School 2 of Sukorejo with 0.9 % IO and density of 71 grains/ovitrap. The final result of species identification of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus is positively found in all locations. While Aedes spp. were distributed in all location with its distribution centers located in RW 11 and its score was 2 that showed the low risk potention level of DHF. The highest abundant that based on the density number of egg in each ovitrap was found in RW 11.

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How to Cite
Fatmawati, T., Ngabekti, S., & Priyono, B. (1). DISTRIBUSI DAN KELIMPAHAN POPULASI Aedes spp. DI KELURAHAN SUKOREJO GUNUNGPATI SEMARANG BERDASARKAN PELETAKAN OVITRAP. Life Science, 3(2). Retrieved from https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/UnnesJLifeSci/article/view/4570


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