Forms of Presentation of Ma'barutung Music Art in Parombean village, Curio district, Enrekang regency

  • Ekomagrah Warsono Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Widodo Widodo Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Wadiyo Wadiyo Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


Ma'Barutung is a traditional art inherited from our ancestors which is still being maintained by the people in Parombean village, Curio district, Enrekang regency. Ma'barutung is a traditional music that uses bamboo as the main musical instrument and the type of bamboo used is pattung tara bamboo with a size of more than 1 meter. This ma'barutung music is a routine activity of local residents and has become a tradition in Parombean Village which is performed at certain events so that this music becomes an important tradition in which there are musical performances consisting of players, singers, instruments, clothing and stage setting. Ma'barutung music is highly guarded by the people of Parombean village because this art is the only art inherited from their ancestors that has musical presentations that are different from other musical arts and has cultural values and character education values in the performances. This study aims to analyze and discuss the form of presentation of ma'barutung music in Parombean village. This study used a descriptive qualitative method and its research approach used an ethnomusicological approach. data collection techniques namely observation techniques, interview techniques and documentation. The results of this study provide answers regarding the form of presentation of ma'barutung music which is a musical ensemble consisting of players, instruments, singers, songs, costumes, make-up and stage. Based on the results of the research, the researcher's suggestion is that the art of ma'barutung music can still be further developed in terms of its performance, namely the formation and stage setting, as well as the infrastructure, so that the government pays attention to and facilitates the performers of the art of ma'barutung music so that it is more developed and its existence can be recognized and more appreciated.
