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Rizky Bayu Cahyadi


The use of instructional media has a significant impact on the students in understanding the material being taught. Unavailability of instructional media in the form of a trainer on the subjects of electrical installations cause the students in understanding the material presented by the teacher is still less than the maximum and in practice activities students are still having difficulties. This study aims to develop a lighting installation as a media trainer learning electrical installation skills programs MAN Electronics in Kendal, determine the feasibility of the installation of lighting trainer developed, and knowing the difference between the student learning outcomes before and after using the trainer lighting installation.

The research method used is the method of research and development (R & D). To determine the feasibility trainer lighting installation made ​​of three stages, namely (1) the manufacture of the lighting installation trainer (2) test the feasibility of media (3) as well as product testing. In this study the respondents are acting as a third teacher MAN Kendal electronics skills program and 23 students MAN Kendal skills workshop program. The research instrument used in the form of media due diligence questionnaire, student questionnaire responses and observation sheets.

Based on the results of the study indicated that the installation of lighting Trainer who has developed a decent used as a learning medium electrical installation skills programs MAN Electronics in Kendal. Achievement of feasibility trainer can be seen from the results of the feasibility test analysis by a team of experts who earn a percentage of 80% with both categories, as well as the results of students' response to the installation of lighting trainer who earn a percentage of 86% with very good category. There are significant differences, student learning outcomes between before and after using the trainer lighting installation electrical installations as a medium of learning skills programs MAN Electronics in Kendal. Where the average value of the practice before using the trainer for 77.91 and after using the trainer increased to 81.30 .

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Author Biography

Rizky Bayu Cahyadi, Gedung E6 Lantai 2 FT Unnes Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229

Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, 
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


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