Performance of State Elementary School Teachers in the New Normal Era

  • Refi Nur Ajizah Universitas Negeri Semarang,Indonesia
  • Suwito Eko Pramono Universitas Negeri Semarang,Indonesia
  • Tri Suminar Universitas Negeri Semarang,Indonesia


The aim of this research is to examine teacher performance based on learning planning, learning, and learning evaluation. This research approach is qualitative in the form of case studies. Data acquisition is done by observation, interview, and document study. Data sources in this study include school principals, class teachers, and certain subject teachers. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using qualitative analysis, namely, the results of the study will be explained in words so that the researchers can describe the results of the research in depth in accordance with the actual conditions in the field. The results of research on several public elementary schools in the Gandrungmangu District of Cilacap Regency regarding teacher performance include (1) Learning Planning Aspects: From 34 teachers there are 20 teachers who can compile and create annual programs, semester programs, and learning implementation plans (RPP) independently while 14 other teachers still get help from other people and take references from the internet. (2) Aspects of Learning Implementation: In the use of learning methods and strategies as well as the delivery of material using the learning system (face to face) and online (online) by including parents in the implementation of learning, the use of media for learning includes mobile phones and laptop PCs, and learning resources use Package books, student worksheets (LKS), and websites. (3) Learning Evaluation Aspects: The teacher takes a system approach by paying attention to input, process, and output. The types of evaluations used are formative and summative.

How to Cite
Ajizah, R., Eko Pramono, S., & Suminar, T. (2022). Performance of State Elementary School Teachers in the New Normal Era. Educational Management, 11(2), 124-132. Retrieved from