Abstrak : Pelaksanaan peningkatkan mutu pendidikan yang berfokus pada pelanggan, pelaksanaan perbaikan terus-menerus, dan kerjasama tim sebagai prinsip Total Quality manajement (TQM), namun kenyataanya banyak lembaga pendidikan terutama di tingkat pendidikan dasar tidak menerapkannya. Fokus penelitian adalah peningkatan mutu pendidikan di MI Luqman Al Hakim. Adapun pertanyaan penelitiannya adalah Bagaimana pelaksanaan yang berfokus pada pelanggan, pelaksanaan perbaikan terus-menerus dan pelaksanaan kerjasama tim di MI Luqman Al Hakim? Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus yang menggunakan teknik trianggulasi sumber dan metode. Hasil penelitian: (1) Fokus pada pelanggan diawali dengan menggunakan identifikasi harapan pelanggan dilaksanakan melalui isian formulir pendaftaran, paguyuban kelas, POMG, dan komunikasi langsung, Hasil identifikasi harapan dan kebutuhan pelanggan direncanakan dan ditetapkan melalui rapat bersama warga sekolah, orang tua, komite sekolah dan yayasan untuk dijadikan program sekolah, (2) Pelaksanaan perbaikan pelanggan internal dilakukan dengan melalui rapat pekanan setiap hari Sabtu untuk evaluasi dan perbaikan kegiatan pendidikan selama sepekan, meningkatkan kompetensi kepala sekolah, guru dan pemenuhan sarana pembelajaran, serta perbaikan mutu pembelajaran melalui life skill, dan guru model berbasis keteladanan dengan menerapkan pembelajaran aktif, inovatif, menyenangkan, dan (3) Kerjasama tim yaitu kepala sekolah mendelegasikan keputusan pada stafnya menurut bidang pekerjaannya.
Abstract : Implementation of quality improvement has focused on customer education, the implementation of continuous improvement, and teamwork as the principle of Total Quality Management (TQM). However, in fact, many educational institutions especially at the primary level, have not applied it. One of the primary school level education institutions which has implemented the integrated quality improvement of education is Luqman Al-Hakim MI Slawi Tegal regency. The focus of the research is improving the quality of education in MI Luqman Al-Hakim. The research question is: How are the implementation of customer-focused, the implementation of continuous improvement and implementation of teamwork in MI Luqman Al-Hakim? The approach used in this study is a qualitative case study method that uses the source and method triangulation techniques. The data were collected through interviews, observations, and documents. Results of the study: (1) Focus on the customer using identification of customer expectations is carried out through registration form, class associations, PTAs, and direct communication, The identification of customer expectations and needs are planned and established through a meeting with citizens of the school , parents, school committees and foundations to serve as school programs, (2) Implementation of the improvements made to the internal customers through: meeting pekanan every Saturday for evaluation and improvement of educational activities during the week, increasing the competence of school principals, teachers and the fulfillment of a learning tool, as well as improving the quality of learning through life skill, and exemplary teacher-based model to implement active, innovative, and learning, and (3) Teamwork is the principal delegate decisions on staff levels according to the term waka waka involving curriculum, student affairs, facilities and infrastructure, public relations, worship, and team teaching. Based on this research, it is suggested that MI Luqman Al-Hakim needs to delegate the duty to the right person based on the expertise for the optimization of team work and team supervisor.
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