Increasing Creativity on Early Childhood Education Teachers through Educational Toys

  • Ratna Wahyu Pusari IKIP PGRI Semarang
  • Dwi Prasetiyawati DH IKIP PGRI Semarang
Keywords: Increasing Creativity, Educational toys.


Research on “Increasing Creativity On Early Childhood Education Teachers Through Educational Toys†aims to know the pedagogical competencies on the teachers of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Ungaran; determine the level of creativity on ECE teachers; and know what the efforts is being done by ECE teachers to improve their pedagogic competence. The research procedure uses descriptive data in the form of words derived from a variety of data collection techniques used in this research is by using the method of observation, questionnaires and interviews. This research was conducted in four phases: Phase I: Preface/initial field observations carried out with; Phase II: Initial development, design to identify the level of creativity of ECE teachers in Ungaran; Phase III: Conducting interviews, filling the questionnaire about creativity in educational toys; and Phase IV: analyzing the creativity level of ECE teachers. The conclusions of this study are 1.The level of creativity ECE teachers in Ungaran is low; 2. The low of creativity in ECE teachers in Ungaran is due to (a) low of innovations  in learning; (b) teachers is not able to use the materials around as an aid to learning; (c) the assumption of the teachers that the success of learning is determined by using expensive and luxurious media; (d) openness to new information in the world of education, particularly in ECE; and 4. According to the motto of learning in early childhood “Learning while Playing†the media which is used for Educational Games is made from used/recycled materials.

How to cite
Pusari, R., & DH, D. (2014). Increasing Creativity on Early Childhood Education Teachers through Educational Toys. Indonesian Journal Of Early Childhood Education Studies, 3(2), 108-113. doi:10.15294/ijeces.v3i2.9483


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