Karakteristik Morfologi dan Perkembangan Testis Itik Alabio (Anas platyrhynchos Borneo) Periode Grower
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Monitoring the reproductive performance of male Alabio ducks can be done through a characteristic morphological size body and the growth of the testicles. The material used was 48 male Alabio ducks, eight weeks old, and collected 12 tail every four weeks until 20 weeks. The variables observed were morphological characteristics: body weight, chest size, abdomen size, pubis width, liver weight, and HSI; reproductive performance: testicular weight, testicular length, and GSI. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA at a 95% confidence level, and correlation analysis was used to test the correlation between parameters. The results showed that the average body weight, chest size, abdomen size, pubis width, liver weight, HSI, testicular weight, testicular length, and GSI were significantly different (p<0.05). Morphologically body weight, chest size, abdomen size, pubis width, liver weight correlate with testicular weight, testicular size, and GSI. Testicular weight, testicular length and GSI had a highest correlations with body weight (r=0.75; r=0.69; and r=0.70) and pubic width (r=0.79; r=0.72 and r=0.77) than the others. While HSI is negative correlation with testicular weight (r=-0.50), testis length (r=-0.51), and GSI (r=-0.46). Thus, it was concluded that the morphological characteristics of body size affect the reproductive performance of male Alabio Ducks.
Keywords: Itik Alabio Jantan, Ukuran Morfologi, Testis, GSI, HIS.
Pemantauan performan reproduksi itik Alabio jantan dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan karakteristik ukuran morfologi tubuh dan perkembangan testis itik periode grower. Materi yang digunakan 48 ekor itik Alabio Jantan usia 8 minggu. Data diambil setiap 4 minggu sekali sampai usia 20 minggu, masing-masing 12 ekor. Variabel yang diamati adalah karakteristik morfologi meliputi bobot badan, lingkar dada, lingkar perut, lebar pubis, bobot hati dan hepato somatic indeks (HSI); performan reproduksi meliputi bobot testis, panjang testis, dan gonado somatic indeks (GSI). Data dianalisis dengan Anava satu arah pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Keterkaitan antar parameter dianalisis dengan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata bobot badan, lingkar dada, lingkar perut, lebar pubis, bobot hati, HSI, bobot testis, panjang testis dan GSI berbeda nyata (p<0,05). Secara morfologi bobot badan, lingkar dada, lingkar perut, lebar pubis, bobot hati berkorelasi dengan bobot testis, ukuran testis dan GSI. Bobot testis, panjang testis dan GSI memiliki hubungan paling erat dengan bobot badan (r= 0,75; r= 0,69; dan r= 0,70) dan lebar pubis (r= 0,79; r= 0,72 dan; r= 0,77) dibandingkan dengan ukuran morfologi tubuh lainnya. Sedangkan HSI berkorelasi negatif dengan bobot testis (r= -0,50), panjang testis (r= -0,51) dan GSI (r= -0,46). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik morfologi ukuran tubuh mempengaruhi performan reproduksi Itik Alabio jantan.
Kata kunci: Itik Alabio Jantan, Ukuran Morfologi, Testis, GSI, HIS.
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