The Improvement of Management Model Learning Islamic Education (PAI) Based on Scientific Approach
Muntari, Witi, 2018. Development of PAI Learning Model Management Based on Scientific Approach ". Thesis. Graduate Program Management Education Study Program. Semarang State University. Supervisor I Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Slamet, M.Si, Advisor II Dr. Subagyo, M.Pd. Keywords: Development of Learning Models, Scientific Approaches, PAI Learning. This research begins with anxiety about the learning process in schools that use conventional and teacher-centered models, which affect the achievement of student learning outcomes. With the 2013 curriculum it is clear that the learning process must be more active with a scientific approach and learner-centered. This is what then makes the author conduct research at the Semarang 01 PGRI Vocational School to find out the PAI learning process with a scientific approach. This study aims to analyze; (1) Management of the factual model of PAI learning, (2) Management of hypothetical models of PAI learning model management with scientific approaches, (3) Finding appropriate PAI learning model management with a scientific approach. This research was designed in the form of Research and development (R & D). Data collection methods used are observation, interview, and documentation. While to analyze the data used an analysis with a phenomenological approach that departs from specific facts or phenomena that occur in the field and then drawn conclusions. The results show that: (1) the learning process still uses conventional learning models and is teacher-centered. (2) development of learning models based on scientific approaches. (3) an appropriate learning model is right to be used as a PAI learning model based on a scientific approach.