Management of Learning to Read and Write Al-Qur’an Qira’ati Method At SD Islam Terpadu Bina Amal 1 Semarang

  • Abdur Rohman Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Joko Sutarto Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


 In the process of teaching and learning activities at Integrated Islamic Elementary School Bina Amal 1 Semarang, a Qira'ati teacher is required to be able to master learning management including planning, implementation and evaluation properly and correctly so that implementation in the field can run effectively and efficiently. This study aims to determine the objective conditions planning, implementation and evaluation as well as supporting and inhibiting factors. This study used a qualitative approach through interviews with the vice principal and coordinator of Qira'ati. The results of the interview with the deputy principal and the Qira'ati coordinator resulted in an analysis that the Qira'ati method of planning learning to read and write the Qur'an includes the annual program, semester program and syllabus. While the implementation process includes preliminary activities, core activities and closing. In the evaluation of learning there are 4 stages, namely evaluation of page increments, evaluation of volumes, semester evaluations, and final learning evaluations. Supporting factors involve existing stakeholders. Mean while, the inhibiting factor is that the teacher does not master the theory and practice in the field, the difference in the level of intelligence between students and students are less active in learning. To produce quality Qira'ati teachers, a Qira'ati teacher training program and a Qira'ati shahadah teacher program are held.


How to Cite
Rohman, A., Sutarto, J., & Fakhruddin, F. (2022). Management of Learning to Read and Write Al-Qur’an Qira’ati Method At SD Islam Terpadu Bina Amal 1 Semarang. Educational Management, 11(1), 1-8. Retrieved from