SCOPUS CITEDNESS (Data Per October 24, 2022)

Indonesian Journal of Pancasila and Global Constitutionalism

  1. Rahma, T., Lemuel, Y., Fitriana, D., Fanani, T.R.A., Sekarjati, R.D.L.G. (2022).
    Intolerance in the Flow of Information in the Era of Globalization: How to Approach the Moral Values of Pancasila and the Constitution? Indonesian Journal of Pancasila and Global Constitutionalism 1(1), 33-118. Cited by Sukardi, S.Purnama, H.R. (2022). Restorative Justice Principles in Law Enforcement and Democracy in Indonesia. Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies 7(1), 155-190.
  2. Budi, M.W.A.S. (2022). Indonesian State System Based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution: A Contemporary Developments. Indonesian Journal of Pancasila and Global Constitutionalism 1(1), 1-16. Cited by Sukardi, S.Purnama, H.R. (2022). Restorative Justice Principles in Law Enforcement and Democracy in Indonesia. Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies 7(1), 155-190.