Full Issue


Background of the Creation of Heri Dono’s Wayang Legenda as a Basis of Developing Local Resource-Based Creativity

Endang Widiyastuti, Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus

165-175 |

Visual Forms and Famininity Values of Wayang Golek Purwo Typical of Kuningan West Java

Ijah Hadijah, Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Sri Iswidayati

176-187 |

Formal Aesthetics of Poems for Indonesian Children Written by Adult Poets

Tri Mulyono, Suminto A Sayuti, Rustono Rustono

188-208 |

The Ideology and Implementation of Aesthetic Education in Junior High School of Semarang Municipality

Mohammad Rondhi, Soesanto Soesanto, Ignatius Bambang Sugiharto

220-229 |

The Determinants of Effective Islam-Based Junior High School in the Regency of Purbalingga

Wahyudhiana Wahyudhiana, Fathur Rokhman, Soesanto Soesanto, Kardoyo Kardoyo

230-240 |

Roller Skating Activities as a Reflection of the Community Life Style in Semarang Municipality

Kardiyono Kardiyono, Soegiyanto Soegiyanto, Tandiyo Rahayu

265-271 |