WELCOME to the Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies (JILS). We are very pleased to publish this special edition, which is the first edition of the journal on The Establishment of Indonesian Legal Concept.

Normally, the first journal edition is about the basic theory of an issue. This edition is a special because we provide you with range articles on Indonesian legal system and its development. The articles presented in this special issue make many important explorations and draw our attention to many important policy questions.

One of the articles, written by Riska Alkadri, discusses the role of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah). In the article, she explains about the existence and the authority of the DPD after the amendment of the Indonesia’s Constitution—that is, UUD 1945. Another article, written by Hery Abduh Sasmito, highlights the role of the Indonesia’s Constitutional Court (MK, Mahkamah Konstitusi). He indicates some decisions made by the Constitutional Court that might go beyond the limits of its authority. Another view on the role of the Constitutional Court is provided by Mochamad Adib Zain, wrote an article entitled Politics of Law on the State Control of Oil and Gas in Indonesia: Gas Liberalization and The Hesitancy of Constitutional Court.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/jils.v1i01

Published: 2017-08-15