A Discourse of Chemical Castration Punishment: How We Protect Our Children from the Rapist?

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Hanang Hendra Pradana


The crime of rape against children is a serious problem that must be resolved by the government. The increase in cases of rape against children proves that the existing regulations have not provided a deterrent effect for the perpetrators. The state here has a role in dealing with victims of rape, the role of the state can be realized through the rehabilitation process as a step to restore the psychological condition of victims as a result of crimes that have occurred. In addition to rehabilitation, the state also issued regulations to prevent these crimes from recurring by issuing Law Number 17 of 2016. Several questions arise from the author that the issuance of this law can fulfil the rights of children as victims of rape and be able to prevent the crime of rape from recurring. The research indicated that the existence of Law Number 17 of 2016 does not guarantee protection for child victims of rape. The law focuses on the punishment of perpetrators not on the rehabilitation process that should be carried out by the state and the rights of children who are victims of rape have not been fulfilled.

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How to Cite
Pradana, H. H. (2021). A Discourse of Chemical Castration Punishment: How We Protect Our Children from the Rapist?. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(2), 263-270. https://doi.org/10.15294/jllr.v2i2.43072
Research Article


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