Non-Penal Deradicalization of Former Terrorist Prisoners (Study at Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation)

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Rohadhatul Aisy


After having been freed from correctional institutions, there were many former terrorism prisoners who got difficulties or challenges to find a job and interact with the society. This research aims to identifying and analyzing the radicalism reality of the former terrorism prisoners in Indonesia and deradicalization efforts conducted by Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation toward the former terrorism prisoners. This study used juridical-sociologic approach and applied qualitative research. The result of this research showed that the former terrorism prisoners gained enormous potential to redo their crime. Several factors that led them to be steadily radical were ineffective guidance attempts undertaken by correctional institutions, no suitable places to stay after they were freed from the correctional institutions and strong stigma possessed by society which caused the former terrorism prisoners to rejoin their previous radical community. The deradicalization efforts conducted by Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation were helping, empowering, training and boosting the former terrorism prisoners to be better people and serving new community for them in order that they would not rejoin their previous radical groups. The conclusion drawn from this research is that the reality of the former terrorism prisoners in Indonesia after they are freed from the correctional institutions is steadily radical. The deradicalization efforts done by Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation are serving trust, life autonomy, room for interaction and socialization with broader society in order that the former prisoners are kept away from negative stigma of former terrorists.

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How to Cite
Aisy, R. (2021). Non-Penal Deradicalization of Former Terrorist Prisoners (Study at Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation). Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(2), 243-262.
Research Article


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