Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar Warga Belajar Perempuan dan Laki-Laki dalam Mengikuti Pendidikan Kesetaraan Paket C

  • Indah Yuni Astuti Prodi PLS FIP Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa


The focus of this research is The Differences of Motivation to Learn between Female and Male of C-Package of Education Equality Program (program kesetaraan) as follows : (1) How are female and male motivation to learn of C-Package of Education Equality Program (program kesetaraan) at PKBM Tan Malaka Kabupaten Tangerang? (2) How are the differences between female and male motivation to learn of C-Package of Education Equality Program (program kesetaraan) at PKBM Tan Malaka Kabupaten Tangerang? (3) What are the supporting factors and inhibiting factors between female and male motivation to learn of C-Package of Education Equality Program (program kesetaraan) at PKBM Tan Malaka Kabupaten Tangerang ?. To discuss the problem in this research, Researcher refer to the relevant theoretical basis as explained on, (1) non formal education, (2) motivation, (3) learning, (4) female and male participants, (5) PKBM, (6) Education Equality Program (program kesetaraan), (7) C-Package (Program Paket C). Thus, researchers have a foothold and basic theory adequate to address the problem in detail. The research approach used is qualitative descriptive method, where the data obtained from interviews, observation, documentation study, a written test and a practical test, as well as some field notes. The data source of this research is the participants of C-Package at PKBM Tan Malaka, tutors and managers, as well as other relevant information. Based on the research that has been done shows that there is differences between female and male motivation to learn and the supporting factors and inhibiting factors. The motivation to learn of female partcipants were higher than male participant. The female partcipants has internal motivation whereas male participants has external motivation.

How to Cite
Astuti, I. (2018). Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar Warga Belajar Perempuan dan Laki-Laki dalam Mengikuti Pendidikan Kesetaraan Paket C. Journal of Nonformal Education and Community Empowerment, 2(1).