Penerapan Google Drive Bersama sebagai Perpustakaan Digital


Astrid Wangsagirindra Pudjastawa
Varary Mechwafanitiara Cantika


Digital libraries are another form of a library. The development of information technology brings changes to the form of libraries. The desire to provide library resources that are not limited by space and time also drives the rapid development of digital libraries. By utilizing a digital library-based information system, teachers can obtain appropriate and useful teaching materials. In Malang, so far digital books as a support for Javanese language learning are minimal, and it is not possible to duplicate them through conventional libraries because book financing is too expensive. This fact makes digital libraries a solution that can be built to bridge the shortage of teaching materials among Javanese teaching teachers. The method used in this research is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method. From the results and discussion obtained problem-solving, database design, how the system works, and the display of the digital library system. The hope of this research is that the information system created can be applied to all Javanese MGMPs to support cheap, easy, and paperless information systems.


Author Biography

Astrid Wangsagirindra Pudjastawa, SMKN 3 Malang

I am a teacher at a public school in Malang. In between teaching, I often do research, document, and study the culture that exists in the people of Malang Raya. My action was based on my desire to teach my students something valid about the current state of Malang culture. I believe that actual and renewable learning materials can make my students more enthusiastic about learning and can develop their potential according to the times.

How to Cite
Pudjastawa, A., & Cantika, V. (2020). Penerapan Google Drive Bersama sebagai Perpustakaan Digital. Piwulang : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, 8(2), 89-95.


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