

Literasi matematika adalah kapasitas individu dalam merumuskan, menerapkan, dan menafsirkan matematika dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Peneli-tian ini merupakan penelitian R&D yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkatPBL dengan pendekatan realistik-saintifikdanasesmen berorientasi PISAyang
validdan praktis untukmeningkatkankemampuanliterasi matematikasiswaSMPsecaraefektif.Perangkatpembelajaran yangdikembangkan meliputi:silabus,RPP,
LKS,bukusiswa,dan tes kemampuanliterasi matematikasiswaberorientasi PISA.
Prosespengembanganperangkat merujukpadamodel Plomp yangmeliputi: investigasiawal,desain, konstruksi,tes,evaluasidan revisi.Ujicobaperangkat pembelajaranmelibatkan siswakelas VIII SMPN 5 Semarang tahunakademik2013/2014denganmenggunakan desain penelitiannon-randomizedpretest-posttest control
groupdesign.Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwaperangkat pembelajarandinilaivalidoleh paraahli dengankategori sangatbaik. Perangkatpembelajaran dapatdikategorikanpraktis denganmerujukpadasiswadan gurumerespon positif, serta
kemampuangurudalammengelolapembelajaran dikategorikan tinggi.Pembelajaranjuga efektif meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematika siswa.


Mathematics literacy is an individual capacity to formulate, to employ, and to interpret mathematicsin variouscontextsof daily life. This study is an R&D which aims to develop validand practical learning devices of  PBL with realistic-scientific approach and PISA-adaptedassessment in order to effectively improve mathematics literacy capability of  Junior HighSchool students. The learning devices includes: syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, studentbook,andPISA-adaptedtestof mathematics literacy. The development model followsthe Plomp model: initial investigation, design, construction, test, evaluation, and revision.The learning devices testing was done in grade VIII of  SMP N 5 Semarang of  academic year2013/2014 by using non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The result suggeststhat: the learning devices are considered valid by referring that the experts’ judgement consideredthat the learningdevicesareverygood.Thelearningdevicesareconsideredpracticalbyreferringthe positiveresponseof the students and teacher, as well as the teacher’s capabilityto organize learning was in high category. The learning is considered effective in improvingstudents’ mathematics literacy.