Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). UJMER Strongly AVOID Plagiarism. Author is better attaching the result of Plagiarism Checker (turnitin) on Step 4 of submission.
  • The submission file is in DOC/ DOCX Format and use the final template of UJMER. Editor will reject any submission that is not suitable with the template. Manuscript Template
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
    (1) Untuk syarat proses artikel, silakan lampirkan bukti bayar proses artikel pada langkah ke empat. Bukti Bayar diperoleh di admin (Pak Bambang). Editor berhak mereject naskah yang tidak lengkap.
    (2) DAFTAR PUSTAKA, harus menggunakan format APA. Setiap kata kunci, HARUS ada sekurangnya 6 rujukan yang judulnya langsung tersurat Kata Kunci. DIANJURKAN menggunakan Mendeley.
    (3) METADATA harus diisi lengkap (termasuk author kedua dan ketiga), dalam Bahasa Inggris.
    (4) Untuk mempercepat pembuatan berkas administrasi, setiap MAHASISWA PPS UNNES setelah submit, WAJIB mengisi tautan berikut:

Author Guidelines


In review process, UJMER involved 2 reviewers for Bahasa and English.

  1. Submission in BAHASA INDONESIA is allowed. Translation to English will be requested after the manuscript ACCEPTED. 

  2. Author must complete the METADATA with English.

  3. UJMER is strongly avoid plagiarism. We recomend Turnitin as Plagiarism Checker.

  4. Every accepted manuscript, will be published in open-access journal system of Unnes.

  5. Author who its manuscript is published, won't get fee from publisher.

  6. Author (Special for PostGraduate Student of UNNES/ PPS UNNES Student) must attached a receipt of submission charge IDR 500k from Admin (Mr. Bambang)

  7. Unaccepted manuscript will become archives of OJS, and author won't be charged.

  8. Rejected or declined manuscript are allowed to submitted to another relevant journal.



Judul: Ditulis dengan kalimat yang jelas, singkat dan padat terdiri tidak lebih dari 15 kata. Judul ditulis dengan tipe Capitalize Each Word kecuali untuk kata sambung di-, dalam- untuk- dan sejenisnya. Diletakkan di tengah, satu spasi, dicetak tebal. Untuk kata asing, tulisan dicetak miring.

Title is written with clear and concise sentences, consisting of no more than 15 words. Titles are written with the type Capitalize Each Word except for conjunctions in-, for-, and, the similar phrases. Title are placed in the middle, single space, in bold. For foreign words, the writing is italicized.

Nama-nama penulis, ditulis lengkap (dua kata, nama depan dan belakang saja), tanpa gelar.

Name of authors are written in two words (maximum), without academic title.

Abstrak diisi dengan tujuan penelitian, metode penelitian, hasil, dan simpulan. Abstrak tidak lebih dari 150 kata untuk masing-masing Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Untuk Penulis yang berasal dari Indonesia, Abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia WAJIB diadakan.

The abstract is filled with research objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions. The length of an abstract is no more than 150 words for each Indonesian and English. Abstract in Bahasa is not necessary for Author from outside of Indonesia.

Pendahuluan, berisi 3 hal, yaitu: Kondisi Ideal dari variabel bebas yang diteliti (diperkuat dengan hasil penelitian sebelumnya); Masalah, yaitu GAP antara kondisi ideal dan fakta yang ada; Solusi atau arti penting ide yang enjadi inti dari riset. Pada pendahuluan, Penulis sebaiknya mencantumkan sekurangnya 5 rujukan yang disitasi.

Introduction, contains 3 things, namely: Ideal conditions of the independent variables studied (reinforced by the results of previous studies); The problem, namely the GAP between ideal conditions and existing facts; Solutions or the importance of ideas that form the core of research. In the introduction, the author should list at least 5 cited references.

Metode penelitian ditulis ringkas dan jelas.

The research method is written concisely and clearly.

Hasil dan Pembahasan; pada bagian hasil, penulis diminta untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan-tahapan penelitian yang ada pada metode. Jika risetnya adalah pengembangan, maka setiap tahapan pengembangan dituliskan prosesnya dan hasilnya. Sebaiknya dikaitkan juga dengan penelitian sebelumnya. PEMBASAHAN harus bisa mengaitkan dengan penelitian sebelumnya, sehingga akan tampak, apakah penelitian ini menguatkan penelitian sebelumnya atau menemukan hal baru yang berbeda.

Results and Discussion; in the results section, the author is asked to describe the stages of research that exist in the method. If the research is development, then each stage of development is written down in the process and the results. It should also be linked to previous research. DISCUSSION must be able to relate to previous research, so that it will appear, whether this study reinforces previous research or find new things that are different.

Simpulan ditulis dalam 1 paragraf. Ucapan terima kasih ditulis setelah simpulan, sebelum daftar pustaka.

Conclusions are written in 1 paragraph. Acknowledgments are written after the conclusion, before the bibliography.

Daftar Pustaka ditulis dengan format APA, sekurangnya 15 rujukan dari jurnal. Masing-masing kata kunci pada judul, ada 6 rujukan sekurangnya.

Bibliography is written in APA format, at least 15 references from journals. Each of the keywords in the title, there are 6 references at least.