

Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini dideskripsikannya proses pembelajaran dankemampuan literasi matematika serta karakter siswa pada materi geometri danpengukuran menggunakan analisis POAC. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitiankualitatif. Bentukpendekatanpenelitian yangdigunakan adalah pendekatandeskriptif.Pengumpulandata dilakukan denganangket, observasi,wawancara,dadokumentasi.Sumberdata utama adalah gurumatematika dan siswa.Keabsahan
datayangdigunakan dalampenelitian inidenganmenggunakan uji credibility,uji
transferability,ujidependability,uji dependability,dan uji confirmability.Hasilpenelitianyangdidapatkan bahwaproses pembelajarandankemampuanliterasi
matematikasertakarakter siswapada materi geometridan pengukuran kelasVIIISMPN 1 TulismenggunakananalisisPOACtelah dilakukanberdasarkananalisis
POAC.Prosespembelajaranmatematika diidentifikasiberdasarkanprosespengajarandanprosesbelajar.Kemampuanliterasi matematikasiswarendah karenahanya


The general research questions in this study how the learning process and maths literacy skillsas well as the character of  the students on the geometry material and the measurement usingPOAC analysis. Generally this study’s aim are described the learning process and mathematicsliteracyskillsas well as the characterof the students on the geometry material and themesurement of  eight class of  Junior High School 1 Tulis using POAC analysis. This is a kindof  qualifative sudy. The form of  study approached were used descriptive observation, interviews,and documentation. Themain data source were mathematics teachersand students.
Thevalidity data was used by using thetest of credibility. The test used in this study wereTesof  transferability, test of  dependabrility, and test of  confirmability. The result of  the studythat the learning process and maths literacy skills as well as the character of  the students onthe geometry material and the measurement of  the eight class of  Junior High School 1 Tulisusing POAC analysis has been done based on the POAC analysis. Mathematics learning processwasidentified based onthe processof teaching and learning. Mathematics literacy skillsof  students was low because only reached level 4.