
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis serta mendeskripsikan: (1) kemampuan awal komunikasi matematis siswa; (2) keefektifan model pembelajaran Formulate Share Listen Create pada materi segiempat; (3) kemampuan akhir komunikasi matematis dan karakter tanggung jawab siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian mixed. Dari tujuh kelas yang ada diambil dua kelas secara acak. Kelas VIIH dipilih sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIIG dipilih sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil analisis awal didapat bahwa kemampuan komunikasi hanya satu indikator saja yang terpenuhi yaitu menyelesaikan masalah. Model pembelajaran Formulate Share Listen Create efektif terhadap kemampuan komunikasi dan karakter tanggung jawab. Hasil analisis akhir kemampuan komunikasi matematis sudah mengalami perubahan lebih baik karena semua indikator terpenuhi, sedangkan secara keseluruhan karakter tanggung jawab siswa hampir semua indikator terpenuhi untuk masing-masing tingkatan kemampuan siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) kemampuan awal komunikasi matematis masih rendah; (2) Model pembelajaran Formulate Share Listen Create lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional; (3) Kemampuan akhir komunikasi matematis cukup baik dan karakter tanggung jawab kategori baik.

This study aims to analyze and describe: (1) the ability of students' mathematical communication early; (2) the effectiveness of the learning model Formulate Share Listen Create the rectangular material; (3) the ability of end mathematical communication and character of the student's responsibility. This research is mixed. Of the seven classes there are two classes taken at random. VIIH class chosen as an experimental class and class VIIG chosen as the control class. Results of a preliminary analysis found that communication skills are only one indicator is met is to solve the problem. Formulate learning model Listen Share Create effective communication skills and character of responsibility. Results of the final analysis of mathematical communication skills have changed the better because all the indicators are met, while the overall character of the responsibility of the students almost all the indicators are met for each student's ability level. Based on these results, it can be concluded that: (1) the ability of early mathematical communication is still low; (2) learning model Formulate Share Listen Create more effective than the conventional learning model; (3) The ability of the end of mathematical communication is quite good and the character of the responsibility of either category.