
Abilities of Mathematical Literacy Based on Self-Confidence in Problem Based Learning with DAPIC Problem-Solving Process

Nevi Trianawaty Anwar, St. Budi Waluya, Supriyadi Supriyadi

152-160 |

Didactical Situations of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Based on the Learning Obstacle on Quadrilateral Areas

Ana Alawiyah, St. Budi Waluya, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo

196-203 |

Analysis of Mathematical Problem About Mathematics Students in Class Xi and Self-Efficacy Learning in 7e-Learning Cycle

Andi Hepi Swasono, Kartono Kartono, Rochmad Rochmad

204-210 |

K Problem Solving Ability on Independent Learning and Problem Based Learning with Based Modules Ethnomatematics Nuance

Silvi Prisha Bahri, Zaenuri Zaenuri, YI Sukestiyarno

218-224 |