Full Issue


The Ability of Problem-Solving for Eighth Grade Student on Cooperative Problem Solving Learning Assisted by GeoGebra 3D

Aditya Nursasongko, Scolastika Mariani, Dwijanto Dwijanto

123-130 |

Mathematical Connection Ability Based on Self-Efficacy in IDEAL Problem Solving Model Assisted by ICT

Herlina Ulfa Ningrum, Mulyono Mulyono, Isnarto Isnarto

139-146 |

Analysis of Problem Solving Capabilities in Problem Based Learning Contextual Approaches Based on Metacognitive Awareness

Muchammad Achsin Achsin, Kartono Kartono, Hari Wibawanto

147-155 |

Problem-Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy Based On Geometry Thinking Level In Van Hiele Learning

Endang Widiyaningsih, Zaenuri Zaenuri, Dwijanto Dwijanto

163-169 |

Analysis of Problem Solving on IDEAL Problem Solving Learning Based on Van Hiele Theory Assisted by Geogebra on Geometry

M. Faisal Abduh, S. B. Waluya, Scolastika Mariani

170-178 |

Mathematical Connection Ability And Students’ Independence in Missouri Mathematics Project E-Learning

Wiwik Ariyani Suryono, Hardi Suyitno, Iwan Junaedi

185-189 |

Student’s Creative Thinking Skills Viewed by Adversity Quotient and Mathematics Anxiety in Grade VIII

Febriana Wahyuningtyas, Hardi Suyitno, Mohammad Asikin

190-198 |

Mathematics Representation Ability Viewed from Adversity Quotient in SAVI Learning

Novira Rahmadian Mahendra, Isnarto Isnarto, Mulyono Mulyono

199-207 |

Mathematics Communication Based on Students’ Self – Efficacy in Problem Based Learning Assisted By Mobile Learning

Muhammad Ashim, Mohammad Asikin, Iqbal Kharisudin

216-221 |

Mathematics Problem Solving Ability in Terms of Adversity Quotient in Problem Based Learning Model With Peer Feedback

Maria Naimnule, Kartono Kartono, Mohammad Asikin

222-228 |