The Determinants of Healthy Food Consumption Behaviour during the Covid-19 Pandemic


Sik Sumaedi
Sumardjo Sumardjo
Amiruddin Saleh
Agus Fanar Syukri


This research investigated the determinants of healthy food consumption behaviour (HFCB) during Covid-19 pandemic. More specifically, this research aimed to test the effect of digital health communication media usage, e-health literacy, the perceived threat of Covid-19, perceived benefit of HFCB related to Covid-19, attitude toward HFCB, healthy food extension education intensity, healthy food affordability, and social influences - injunctive norm and descriptive norm – on HFCB simultaneously. The data were collected through a survey with 249 respondents in the Tangerang City, Indonesia. A multiple regressions analysis was conducted to analyse the data. The research results showed that HFCB was significantly and positively influenced by attitude toward HFCB, digital health communication media usage, healthy food affordability, and descriptive norm. This research also revealed that HFCB was significantly and negatively influenced by perceived threat of Covid-19. However, perceived benefits of healthy food consumption, e-health literacy, healthy food extension education intensity, and injunctive norm did not pose an impact on HFCB.

Keywords: consumption behaviour, healthy food, Covid-19 pandemic, health education, digital communication


Author Biographies

Sik Sumaedi, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Sik Sumaedi (Scopus ID: 55191280500)

Sik Sumaedi is a senior researcher at Research Center for Policy and Management of Science, Technology and Innovation, Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Public health is one of his research interests. He has published more than 50 scientific paper in national and international publications, including Leadership in Health Services, International Journal of Health Governance, Clinical Governance: An International Journal, British Food Journal, etc.

Sumardjo Sumardjo, IPB University

Sumardjo (Scopus ID: 56655181500)

Sumardjo is a Professor at Human Ecology Faculty, IPB University. He has a great experience in the field of extension education.  He has published more than 200 scientific paper in national and international publications, including International Journal of Health Governance, British Food Journal, etc.  

Amiruddin Saleh

Amiruddin Saleh (Scopus ID: 57146542500)

Amiruddin Saleh is an Associate Professor at Human Ecology Faculty, IPB University. He has a great experience in the field of development communication. He has published more than 150 scientific paper in national and international publications, including Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, etc.

Agus Fanar Syukri

Agus Fanar Syukri (Scopus ID: 56516912500)

Agus Fanar Syukri is a senior researcher at Research Center for Policy and Management of Science, Technology and Innovation, Indonesian Institute of Sciences. He also has a great experience as a researcher in Japan. Public policy is his research interest. He has published more than 50 scientific paper in national and international publications.

How to Cite
Sumaedi, S., Sumardjo, S., Saleh, A., & Syukri, A. (2021). The Determinants of Healthy Food Consumption Behaviour during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Unnes Journal of Public Health, 11(2), 131-144.


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