Financial Technology Company's Debt Collection Method: A Legal Aspect Law and Technology, Private Commercial Law

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Suwinto Johan


Online loans are an alternative source of loans for the public. Online lending has grown rapidly. Financial technology companies are online loan providers. Financial technology companies use various ways to collect loans that are not paid by customers when they are due. One of the debt collection methods is to distribute photos and debt collection stories of the customer to the contacts in the customer's mobile number. This distribution has caused unrest for the people contacted either via messenger or via SMS. This research aims to discuss the pattern of debt collection by financial technology companies from a juridical viewpoint. This research uses the juridical normative method. This research concludes that data retrieval and data dissemination constitute a violation of personal data protection for customers and people who receive news and SMS. Retrieval of data without approval or contacting a loan with another party without prior knowledge has violated the personal domain of the data owner. The government needs to immediately issue regulations regarding the protection of personal data related to electronic transactions.

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How to Cite
Johan, S. (2022). Financial Technology Company’s Debt Collection Method: A Legal Aspect. Unnes Law Journal, 8(1), 1-20.
Research Article
Author Biography

Suwinto Johan, President University

Dr. Suwinto Johan, S.E., M.M. is a Lecturer Department of Management, Faculty of Business, President University, Indonesia. He obtained the bachelor’s degree of economic (SE) from Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (1995), Master of Management (MM) from Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie (2005), and Doctoral degree from Institut Pertanian Bogor (2013). His area of of expertise concerning financial technology, governance and risk, business law, and financial strategy. Some of his recent publications such as Correlation Financial Institutions, Customers and Employees Per Labour Law (Arena Hukum, 2022); Complementary or Substitute: Sharia Financing, Green Financing, and Sustainable Development Goals? (International Journal of Sustainability Development and Planning, 2022); Implementation of Working Agreement with Probationary Period in Financial Industry According to Labor Law (SASI, 2022); The Effect of First Case Covid-19 Announcement on Average Trading Volume Activity of Pharmaceutical Sector Companies (Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 2022); and Will Data Protection Act Change the Use of Data in Indonesia Financial Services? (Lambung Mangkurat Law Journal, 2022).


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