Reconstruction of Financial Crime Investigation Methods in Law Enforcement in The Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Criminal Law, Financial Crime Law

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Sukardi Sukardi


The purpose of this study was to determine the construction of the concept and method of financial crime investigation in the Netherlands in the law enforcement system in Indonesia to deal with financial crime in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The method used is normative research because it only uses secondary data in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials with conclusions drawn using deductive reasoning methods. The urgency of this research is because the development of crime that is not symmetrical with its legal efforts in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, has an impact on efforts to enforce the rule of law which will affect reciprocally with the democratic process in Indonesia. The novelty of the research is an investigative method that combines civil and criminal concepts and economic accounting concepts with criminal law concepts. The results of the study are the strategy for law enforcement of financial crimes and financial technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, by building a legal system, namely on the substance of the law, regulatory changes are built that are oriented towards proving the profits from crime through the concept of follow the money. In the aspect of legal structure, build a synergistic and harmonious coordination system between law enforcers and between institutional and private departments with an online networking system. In the aspect of legal culture, building a database system through a data bank, building a business economic infrastructure with a digital transaction system.

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How to Cite
Sukardi, S. (2022). Reconstruction of Financial Crime Investigation Methods in Law Enforcement in The Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Unnes Law Journal, 8(1), 133-158.
Research Article
Author Biography

Sukardi Sukardi, Universitas Nasional

Dr. Sukardi, S.H., M.Hum., CFrA is a Criminal Law Lecturer with the rank of Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, National University of Jakarta Indonesia. In addition to teaching duties, currently he also serves as an Investigator at the Police Criminal Investigation Agency; Forensic Auditor at Indonesian Professional Certification Institute by obtaining Certified Forensic Auditor (CFrA); as a teacher and internal trainer of the Indonesian National Police, received a certificate as a trainer for Financial Criminal Investigation perpormed by trainer of the Indonesian National Police and monitored by Politeiaacademie (police academy of the Netherlands) (CFCI) April 2012, September 2012 and April 2013 respectively; He has been an International Journal Reviewer at the International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, Lifescience Global Canada in 2021. He has also served as an Advisor to the Australian Study Center of the National University since 2021. Sukardi obtained his Bachelor of Laws degree (Bachelor of Law/SH) in November 2002 from the Manokwari College of Law (Papua). In October 2004, he received his Master of Humanities (M.Hum) in Business Law from Atma Jaya University, Jogjakarta. Finally, Sukardi obtained his Doctor of Law (Dr) degree at the Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia in September 2014.


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