
Determinants of students deviant behavior in Nusa Bhakti Junior High School Semarang

Permata Ajeng Pangestika, Triwathy Arsal, Maman Rachman

44-51 |

The Democratic character values formation in the School of the Ministry Defense of the Republic Indonesia

Riyatmi Catyaningsih, Agustinus Sugeng Priyanto, Subagyo Subagyo

52-60 |

The existence of grebeg makukuhan on socio-cultural values of generation-Z in Kedu Village, Temanggung Regency

Sella Ewinda Putri, Cahyo Budi Utomo, Fadly Husain

69-77 |

The symbolic meaning of ruwatan bumi for youth as successors of tradition in Guci, Tegal

Aditya Fajar Setiawan, Thriwati Arsal, Hamdan Tri Atmaja

78-85 |

The role of parents in children's education in beneficiary families of the Family Hope Program

Riska Septiani, Nugroho Trisnu Brata, Puji Hardati

86-95 |

Society participation in preservation of Kuda Lumping Dance in Kedungboto Village, Kendal Regency

Nur Fadilah, Martitah Martitah, YYFR. Sunarjan

61-68 |

Internalization of Pesantren School Culture to from Students' Religious Character in SMP PGRI Brebes

Iman Is Purwanto, Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati, Purwadi Suhandini

96-103 |

Implementation of multicultural values in social studies learning at Junior High School Mukhtar Syafa’at

Ari Irawan, Eva Banowati, Moh Solehatul Mustofa

104-112 |

Integrating Population Education in Sekolah Siaga Kependudukan (SSK) in Building a Planned Generation

Endah Septiani, Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati, Hamdan Tri Atmaja

113-121 |

Online Transportation in the City of Semarang (Socio-Economic Studies on Online Drivers)

Husna Fahritsani, Rusdarti Rusdarti, Martitah Martitah

122-129 |