Penal Mediation as Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Criminal Law Reform in Indonesia

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Anggita Anggraeni


In the minor crime, the solving of cases process through formal process in the court is the prosess that is taking much cost and long time it aint suitable with detriments of the crime impact, these all are contrary with the principal fast, simple and unexpensive judicature. Writing this thesis aims to know the legal certainty of implementing Penal Mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution and prospects of applying Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System. The approach used in this research is a qualitative research approach that produces descriptive data in the form of people's written or oral words and observable behavior. The type of research that will be used in this research is doctrinal research. Penal mediation is an alternative form of resolving disputes outside the court (commonly known as ADR or "Alternative Dispute Resolution" and some call it "Apropriate Dispute Resolution"). Penal mediation for the first time is known in positive legal terminology in Indonesia since the issuance of KAPOLRI No. Pol: B / 3022 / XII / 2009 / SDEOPS dated December 14, 2009 concerning Handling Cases through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), even though they are partial. In essence, the principles of mediation of the penalties referred to in this KAPOLRI letter emphasize that the settlement of criminal cases using ADR, must be agreed by the parties that litigate, but if there is no new agreement resolved in accordance with applicable legal procedures in a professional and proportional manner.

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How to Cite
Anggraeni, A. (2020). Penal Mediation as Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Criminal Law Reform in Indonesia. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(2), 369-380.
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