The Handling of Criminal Act of Theft with Violence by Children of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Regional Police

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Dhara Ayu Restuning Tyas
Rodiyah Rodiyah


The crime of theft with violence is one of the most frequent crimes or criminal acts in the community. It almost happens in every region in Indonesia. They have the tendency to steal when the opportunity is present, then the perpetrators do it with no regard for time. However, in some cases, the theft is done in a certain time. It involves a condition where everyone will look for the right time to carry out their operations. It appears that in fact, we want to realize a handling of child cases. This handling has to pay attention to the needs of children, so that children affected by criminal cases are not harmed physically or mentally. The barriers experienced in law enforcement carried out by children include, legal regulations themselves, facilities and infrastructure, society, and  culture.

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How to Cite
Tyas, D. A. R., & Rodiyah, R. (2020). The Handling of Criminal Act of Theft with Violence by Children of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Regional Police. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(2), 273-278.
Research Article


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