Forest Fires and Law Enforcement: The Capture of Indonesian Contemporary Condition

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Arief Ryadi
Ali Masyhar


A good and healthy living environment is not only a right, but therein must also have the responsibility to protect and protect as well as manage or preserve it so that it is getting better and healthier every day. One of the environment that must be protected is the forest. Forest is an invaluable natural resource because it contains biodiversity such as timber and non-timber forest products, water management, flood and erosion prevention as well as soil fertility, protection of biological nature for the benefit of science, culture, recreation, tourism and so on. However, recently forests in Indonesia have been degraded in the form of forest fires. The negative impacts caused by forest fires are quite large, including ecological damage, decreased biodiversity, decreased economic value of forests and land productivity, micro and global climate change, and their smoke affects public health and disrupts transportation, including land, rivers, lakes, sea and air. The government has also issued several regulations related to forest destruction. Among others, Law No. 41/1999 on Forestry. Article 49 of the Forestry Law states that rights or permit holders are responsible for forest fires in their working areas. But unfortunately the law does not explain the criminal provisions regarding Article 49. Meanwhile, if the perpetrator is a legal entity or business entity, the charges and criminal sanctions imposed on the management, either individually or collectively, are subject to criminal penalties in accordance with the respective criminal threats. plus 1/3 (one third) of the sentence imposed.

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How to Cite
Ryadi, A., & Masyhar, A. (2021). Forest Fires and Law Enforcement: The Capture of Indonesian Contemporary Condition. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(1), 39-50.
Research Article
Author Biography

Arief Ryadi, Kejaksaaan Negeri Purworejo

Arief Ryadi, a student of Master of Law at the State University of Semarang (UNNES) and a State Servant in the field of Law, namely the Prosecutor and serves as Head of the Sub-Division of Development (Kasubbagbin) at the Purworejo District Prosecutor's Office in Central Java. Most people call and know by the name Arief, born on July 12, 1983 in the beautiful city of Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. The first child of two children of the couple H M.Socheh SH and Hj. Umiyatun. He has taken a shift in education due to following parents in SDN Langkai 12 Primary School (3 years) and (3 years) graduated from SDN Selat Hilir V (Selat Hilir Kapuas) in 1995. Junior High School (2 years at SLTP Negeri Selat Kapuas) mutation graduated from Junior High School 4 Semarang Central Java in 1998. Institute of Indonesia High School (3 years) in 2001.


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