Dynamics of Legality Principles in Indonesian National Criminal Law Reform
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This study aims to find out the dynamics of the legality principle in the renewal of criminal law laws in Indonesia. The type of research used is doctrinal research. All data obtained were analyzed qualitatively juridically. This study examines and examines secondary data about the dynamics of the legality principle in reforming criminal law laws in Indonesia. The principle of legality according to Paul Johan Anslem von Feuerbach is nulla poena sine lege; nulla poena sine crimine; nullum crimen sine poena legali. These three phrases then become the adage Nullum delictum, nulla poena sine praevia legi poenali, which means that no act can be punished except for the strength of the criminal rules in the legislation that existed before the act was committed. The results of this studystates that if an act does not meet the formulation of an offense in a written law, the judge can impose a sentence if the act is considered disgraceful, contrary to justice and other social norms in people's lives. So that implicitly the criminal law in Indonesia has recognized the teaching of material lawlessness in a positive function.
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