State Authority in Appointing ASN: Comparison of Issues between KPK Employees and Honorary Teachers

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Syarifa Khasna
Ayon Diniyanto


Government Regulation No. 41 of 2020 on the Transfer of Employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission into Civil Servants unilaterally makes KPK employees as ASN. In fact, not all KPK employees are willing to be ASN and there is  public rejection of the policy. On the other hand, there are honorary teacher want to be appointed as ASN. Until now there is no certainty of transfer of honorary teacher status to ASN. Although there has been policy related to the appointment of honorary teachers to become ASN, but the policy is different from the policy transferring status of KPK employees to ASN. This study aims to find the motives of the state to transferring KPK employee status into ASN and find policy differences in the appointment of ASN between KPK employees and honorary teachers. This research showed that the transfer of KPK employee status to ASN has pros and cons motives. The pro motive is that the transfer of KPK employee status to ASN aims to have (1) KPK employees well coordinated; and (2) the need for ASN support to KPK as part of KPK strengthening. The counter motive sees the transfer of KPK employee status to ASN as an effort to control KPK and strengthen the independence of KPK employees or weaken KPK. Meanwhile, ASN appointment policy inequality between KPK employees and honorary teachers has not been in accordance with the principles of equality right and economic equality.

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How to Cite
Khasna, S., & Diniyanto, A. (2021). State Authority in Appointing ASN: Comparison of Issues between KPK Employees and Honorary Teachers. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(2), 211-224.
Research Article


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