Land Subsidence Policy in the Context of Good Governance Principles (Comparing Indonesia and Japan)

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Pratama Herry Herlambang
Yos Johan Utama
Aju Putrijanti
Silvan Susanto Prayogo


Land subsidence poses a significant environmental challenge globally, fueled mainly by anthropogenic activities such as excessive groundwater extraction, rampant overdevelopment, and alterations in soil geological structures. This issue has far-reaching consequences, including infrastructure deterioration, heightened flood vulnerabilities, and severe threats to both the environment and local communities. The city of Jakarta, Indonesia, has experienced a particularly pronounced impact from land subsidence since the 1980s. This study delves into the governmental responses of Indonesia and Japan to address the complex problem of land subsidence, emphasizing their adherence to principles of good governance, including transparency, accountability, and community engagement. The analysis scrutinizes various aspects of policy development, stakeholder participation, funding mechanisms, technological innovations, and the overall efficacy of these measures in mitigating land subsidence. Through a comparative lens, the research seeks to unearth effective strategies and successful policy implementations in both nations. The methodology employed adopts a normative approach, scrutinizing concepts, norms, principles, legal frameworks, and ethical considerations associated with land subsidence policies within the context of good governance. This research contributes to a holistic comprehension of land subsidence management, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of policies aimed at addressing this critical environmental challenge.

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How to Cite
Herlambang, P. H., Utama, Y. J., Putrijanti, A., & Prayogo, S. S. (2023). Land Subsidence Policy in the Context of Good Governance Principles (Comparing Indonesia and Japan). Lex Scientia Law Review, 7(2), 871-904.
Author Biographies

Pratama Herry Herlambang, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Pratama Herry Herlambang, S.H., M.H. is an individual who combines a successful educational and academic career with a dedication to the world of law. . He completed his law degree (S.H.) in 2010, achieved it with brilliant achievements, and then continued his education until he obtained a Master of Laws (M.H.) degree at Diponegoro University. With a deep understanding of law, Pratama Herry Herlambang decided to share his knowledge as a lecturer at Semarang State University. As a permanent lecturer at the university, Pratama teaches various legal courses covering various aspects, such as State Administrative Law, State Administrative Procedure Law, Tax Law, Labor Law, State Administrative Justice Practice, and Clinical Legal Education. His role as an educator helps students understand and master important aspects of legal science. Pratama Herry Herlambang has built a reputation as a committed and experienced lecturer, and his contribution to the academic world, Semarang State University.

Yos Johan Utama, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. is an educational figure and legal expert who plays an important role in the development of Diponegoro University. From 2015 to 2019, he served as Chancellor of Diponegoro University, leading the university into a period of academic excellence and innovation. This success enabled Prof. Yos to be re-elected as Chancellor for the period 2019 to 2024 by the Board of Trustees of Diponegoro University (MWA Undip). Before becoming Chancellor, Prof. Yos Johan Utama also has experience as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. His leadership and contributions in the field of law, especially in State Administrative Procedure Law, have made him a leading expert in his field. His achievements and dedication in developing higher education made Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama became a highly respected figure in the academic world. The references given are clear evidence of recognition of his extraordinary work.

Aju Putrijanti, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Dr. Aju Putrijanti,S.H.,M.Hum is a leading legal scholar who holds a Bachelor of Law degree, then continued her studies until she earned a Master of Law degree and a Doctor of Law degree. He also has the Venia Legendi qualification, which gives him the qualifications to teach in the field of law. Since March 1 1999, Aju Putrijanti has been active in higher education institutions, and currently holds high positions as First Class Superintendent and Associate Professor. His teaching focus includes courses such as Introduction to Indonesian Law, Procedural Law, Legal Remedies, and Professional Code of Ethics. Apart from being active in teaching, Aju Putrijanti is also a productive researcher and has produced various research that contributes to the development of administrative law. He has published relevant scientific articles, such as "The Role of Administrative Courts in the Development of Administrative Law and Realizing Administrative Justice" in 2019.


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