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Eka Trikanthi Agustina Trikanthi Agustina Agustina
Endang Sri Hanani
Agung Wahyudi


Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di SLB B Karya Bakti Don Bosco mendapatkan hasil wawancara dengan kepala sekolah serta guru penjasorkes mengatakan kondisi sarana dan prasarana olahraga masih dalam kategori layak, sedangkan untuk responden terdapat 5 guru(36%) mengatakan bahwa kondisi sarana dan prasarana masih termasuk dalam kategori layak, 8 guru(57%) mengatakan cukup layak hal tersebut dikarenakan kondisi sarana dan prasarana telah rusak dan termakan usia, 1 guru (7%) berpendapat tidak layak dikarenakan menurut responden alat-alat tersebut sudah harus diperbaharui secara keseluruhan. Dari hasil observasi dan pengamatan di lapangan di peroleh data sarana bagian peralatan mencakup 72,5% masuk dalam kategori layak dan 27,5% dalam kategori tidak layak, sarana bagian perlengkapan 70,83% termasuk dalam kategori layak pula dan 20,17% masuk dalam kategori tidak layak, yang terakhir bagian prasarana mencapai 100% sangat layak. Secara keseluruhan dari data yang diperoleh  menunjukan bahwa dapat dikatakan sarana dan prasarana di SLB B Karya Bakti Don Bosco masuk dalam kategori layak namun sebagian sarana dan prasarana sudah rusak serta termakan usia  walaupun masih dapat digunakan mengingat keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh yayasan juga kurang maksimalnya perhatian pemerintah terhadap sarana serta prasarana penunjang pembelajaran di SLB B Karya Bakti

From the results of research conducted at SLB B works of Devotional Don Bosco get results interviews with principals and teachers penjasorkes says the condition of the sports facilities and infrastructure are still in the category of worth, while for the respondents there are 5 teachers (36%) say that the condition of infrastructure still belong in the categories viable, 8 teachers (57%) say enough is because the decent conditions and infrastructure has been damaged and the passage of the age, 1 teacher (7%) have argued is not feasible because according to respondents that tools should already be updated in its entirety. From the results of observation and the observation in the field in the data obtained by means of the equipment includes 72,5% belongs to the category deserves and 27.5% in the category is not viable, means the gear 70,83% included in the category of eligible anyway and 20,17% belongs to the category is not feasible, the last piece of infrastructure reaches 100% very feasible. Overall the data obtained shows that can be said and infrastructures at SLB B works of Devotional Don Bosco belongs to the category deserved but some already damaged facilities and infrastructure as well as the passage of the age though it can still be used given the limitations that are owned by the Foundation are also less the maximum attention of the Government towards the means and infrastructure supporting learning at SLB B work of filial piety

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