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Hasil observasi di SDN Secang 3 Magelang proses pembelajaran bola kasti siswa sebagai berikut : (1) Alat dan fasilitas yang dipergunakan berukuran standar sesuai dengan bola kasti pada umumnya. (2) Lapangan permainan bola kasti ditempatkan di lapangan sepak bola karena luas sekolah yang kurang mencukupi untuk memainkan peranan bola kasti. (3) Ditemukan beberapa siswa putri mengeluh merasa sakit dan takut terkena lemparan bola pada saat bermain bola kasti. (4) Ditemukan beberapa siswa putri cenderung kurang aktif, mereka pada saat pembelajaran permainan bola kasti merasa cepat bosan dan hanya duduk di tepi lapangan.
Metode penelitian mengacu pada model pengembangan dari Brog & Gall. (1) analisis produk yang akan dikembangkan dari hasil observasi lapangan dan kajian pustaka, (2) mengembangkan bentuk produk awal, (3) evaluasi ahli yaitu menggunakan satu ahli penjas dan satu ahli pembelajaran penjas SD, serta uji coba skala kecil (16 siswa), menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar evaluasi yang kemudian dianalisis, (4) revisi produk awal, (5) uji coba skala besar (34 siswa), (6) revisi produk akhir setelah melakukan uji coba lapangan skala besar, (7) hasil akhir model permainan kasti bagi siswa yang dihasilkan melalui revisi uji coba lapangan skala besar. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 34 siswa. Teknik analisis data adalah deskriptif persentase.
Data evaluasi ahli yaitu, ahli Penjas 82,5 % (baik) dan ahli pembelajaran 92,5 % (sangat baik), dari uji coba lapangan skala kecil didapat hasil kuesioner rata-rata persentase pilihan jawaban yang sesuai 92,45 % (sangat baik). Sedangkan untuk uji coba lapangan setelah uji coba sskala kecil didapat hasil evaluasi ahli yaitu, ahli Penjas 91,25% (baik), ahli pembelajaran 87,5% (baik). Dari hasil kuesioner rata-rata persentase pilihan jawaban yang sesuai 92,36 % (sangat baik).
From the observations in the Elementary School 3 Magelang Secang showed that learning baseball Elementary School fifth grade students encountered some of the following: (1) Equipment and facilities used in accordance with the standard-sized baseball in general. (2) Field baseball game was placed on the football field for the school wide insufficient to play baseball. (3) Found some students complained of feeling sick daughter and a fear of throwing the ball when playing baseball. (4) found some students tend to be less active women, they are learning at a baseball game was quickly bored and just sitting on the edge of the field.
The method of research is the development of a model refers to the development of Brog & Gall. (1) to analyze the product to be developed from the results of field observations and literature review, (2) develop initial product form, (3) evaluation of experts which uses an expert and an expert penjas penjas elementary learning, as well as small-scale trials (16 students ), using questionnaires and evaluation sheets were then analyzed, (4) revision of the initial products, (5) large-scale trials (34 students), (6) the revision of the final product after conducting a large-scale field trials, (7) the final result baseball game model for students of Grade V generated by the revised large-scale field trials. This study population is a fifth grade elementary school students Secang 3 with the number of 34 students. The technique of data analysis is descriptive percentages.
From the research data obtained by the expert evaluation data, expert penjas 82.5% (good) and a learning expert 92.5% (very good), from small-scale field trial results of the questionnaire obtained an average percentage of the appropriate answer option 92, 45% (very good). As for the field trial after trial sskala small expert evaluation results are obtained, experts penjas 91.25% (excellent), learning specialists 87.5% (good). From the results of the questionnaire the average percentage of the appropriate answer choice 92.36% (excellent).
Hasil observasi di SDN Secang 3 Magelang proses pembelajaran bola kasti siswa sebagai berikut : (1) Alat dan fasilitas yang dipergunakan berukuran standar sesuai dengan bola kasti pada umumnya. (2) Lapangan permainan bola kasti ditempatkan di lapangan sepak bola karena luas sekolah yang kurang mencukupi untuk memainkan peranan bola kasti. (3) Ditemukan beberapa siswa putri mengeluh merasa sakit dan takut terkena lemparan bola pada saat bermain bola kasti. (4) Ditemukan beberapa siswa putri cenderung kurang aktif, mereka pada saat pembelajaran permainan bola kasti merasa cepat bosan dan hanya duduk di tepi lapangan.
Metode penelitian mengacu pada model pengembangan dari Brog & Gall. (1) analisis produk yang akan dikembangkan dari hasil observasi lapangan dan kajian pustaka, (2) mengembangkan bentuk produk awal, (3) evaluasi ahli yaitu menggunakan satu ahli penjas dan satu ahli pembelajaran penjas SD, serta uji coba skala kecil (16 siswa), menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar evaluasi yang kemudian dianalisis, (4) revisi produk awal, (5) uji coba skala besar (34 siswa), (6) revisi produk akhir setelah melakukan uji coba lapangan skala besar, (7) hasil akhir model permainan kasti bagi siswa yang dihasilkan melalui revisi uji coba lapangan skala besar. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 34 siswa. Teknik analisis data adalah deskriptif persentase.
Data evaluasi ahli yaitu, ahli Penjas 82,5 % (baik) dan ahli pembelajaran 92,5 % (sangat baik), dari uji coba lapangan skala kecil didapat hasil kuesioner rata-rata persentase pilihan jawaban yang sesuai 92,45 % (sangat baik). Sedangkan untuk uji coba lapangan setelah uji coba sskala kecil didapat hasil evaluasi ahli yaitu, ahli Penjas 91,25% (baik), ahli pembelajaran 87,5% (baik). Dari hasil kuesioner rata-rata persentase pilihan jawaban yang sesuai 92,36 % (sangat baik).
From the observations in the Elementary School 3 Magelang Secang showed that learning baseball Elementary School fifth grade students encountered some of the following: (1) Equipment and facilities used in accordance with the standard-sized baseball in general. (2) Field baseball game was placed on the football field for the school wide insufficient to play baseball. (3) Found some students complained of feeling sick daughter and a fear of throwing the ball when playing baseball. (4) found some students tend to be less active women, they are learning at a baseball game was quickly bored and just sitting on the edge of the field.
The method of research is the development of a model refers to the development of Brog & Gall. (1) to analyze the product to be developed from the results of field observations and literature review, (2) develop initial product form, (3) evaluation of experts which uses an expert and an expert penjas penjas elementary learning, as well as small-scale trials (16 students ), using questionnaires and evaluation sheets were then analyzed, (4) revision of the initial products, (5) large-scale trials (34 students), (6) the revision of the final product after conducting a large-scale field trials, (7) the final result baseball game model for students of Grade V generated by the revised large-scale field trials. This study population is a fifth grade elementary school students Secang 3 with the number of 34 students. The technique of data analysis is descriptive percentages.
From the research data obtained by the expert evaluation data, expert penjas 82.5% (good) and a learning expert 92.5% (very good), from small-scale field trial results of the questionnaire obtained an average percentage of the appropriate answer option 92, 45% (very good). As for the field trial after trial sskala small expert evaluation results are obtained, experts penjas 91.25% (excellent), learning specialists 87.5% (good). From the results of the questionnaire the average percentage of the appropriate answer choice 92.36% (excellent).
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