Main Article Content
The game of basketball is taught in a standardized form of the game so it's still got students who find it difficult
to play this game. Thus the need for modification in the learning process. This research method is the
development of research, and the results of the model developers basket holl development. The analysis
procedure includes product development product that will be developed, developing initial products, expert
validation and revision, testing and revision small group, large group and test the final product. The data was
collected using field observations and questionnaires were obtained from expert evaluation and the results of the
questionnaires by students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive percentages. From the test results
obtained by experts the average percentage of product analysis of 84.6% with both criteria. Data results of the
student questionnaire on a small test group gained an average percentage of 77.22% with the answer to both
categories, and questionnaire data from a large group of students test answers obtained with the percentage
86.42% with both categories. Based on the research data, it was concluded that the game of basketball can be
used basket holl teachers as an alternative in learning Penjasorkes game.
to play this game. Thus the need for modification in the learning process. This research method is the
development of research, and the results of the model developers basket holl development. The analysis
procedure includes product development product that will be developed, developing initial products, expert
validation and revision, testing and revision small group, large group and test the final product. The data was
collected using field observations and questionnaires were obtained from expert evaluation and the results of the
questionnaires by students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive percentages. From the test results
obtained by experts the average percentage of product analysis of 84.6% with both criteria. Data results of the
student questionnaire on a small test group gained an average percentage of 77.22% with the answer to both
categories, and questionnaire data from a large group of students test answers obtained with the percentage
86.42% with both categories. Based on the research data, it was concluded that the game of basketball can be
used basket holl teachers as an alternative in learning Penjasorkes game.
Article Details
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