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Pungki Abiyasa Pradana


Physical fitness required by humans according to their activities, one of which is the students of SMK Bhakti
Praja Adiwerna are faced with activities and environmental conditions that are less healthy from unhealthy
habits and irregular with a supported environment of about SMK Bhakti Praja Adiwerna unhealthy then will
affect the posture and physical condition. The problem in this research is how the status of physical fitness level
of students of SMK Bhakti Praja Adiwerna Tegal regency in 2012. The purpose of this study was to determine
the status of the physical fitness level of students of SMK Bhakti Praja Adiwerna Tegal regency in 2012.This
study is a survey research. The population in this study were students in grade 11 SMK Bhakti Praja Tegal
regency in 2012, amounting to 45 people, and the sample used in this study were 45 students taking the sample
using total sampling technique. Variable in this study is the level of physical fitness. The research instrument
used was a physical fitness tests children aged 12-15 years. Analysis of the data in this study is the percentage of
descriptive data analysis.Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the results that the overall results of physical fitness tests SMK Bhakti Praja Grade 11 students who are not in either category ermasuk all, 11
students (24.44%) included in either category, 29 students (64.44%) included in the medium category, 5
students (11.11%) included in the category of less and no students are included in the category of less than once.
This is because the class X students of SMK Bhakti Praja always physical exercise and they are also active in
extracurricular sports activities organized by the school. Conclusions based on the results of the study is the level
of physical fitness grade 11 SMK Bhakti Praja Adiwerna mostly included in the criteria being. Advice from the
research results that can be given is the teacher providing guidance to students in order to maintain, improve
physical fitness with regular exercise activities and also implement a healthy lifestyle, and the school principal
should be able to seek adequate facilities to maintain and improve physical fitness levels of all students .

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