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Dimas Yulianto


This study aims to determine the model of development in the movement agility Penjasorkes environmental
approach through rice fields. This development model is to approach learning environment to improve agility
motion paddy children include: 1) research and gathering information early, 2) preliminary research, 3)
planning, 4) development of initial product formats; 5) manufacturing model of development; 6) initial product
trials; 7) revision of the initial product; 8) field trials; 9) revision of the final product; 10) model of learning
outcomes and 11) dissemination and implementation. The results with the model of development can be seen
that most of the students have an excellent motion agility. This is consistent with one of the objectives of
physical education is to increase the agility of motion student. With the agility of motion enabled students to
perform learning tasks and activities outside of school as well. The conclusions show that the motion agility
Penjasorkes through paddy environmental approach can improve the learning process in the student category
Penjasorkes well. This research suggestion that this product can be used for learning agility of motion; penjas
teachers are expected to create another model of learning development to increase agility movements learners;
teachers who have difficulty in increasing the agility of motion, this product can be used as a solution.

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