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Lukman Kabul


Learning model is utilized to design a plan of teaching. In the learning process Penadidikan physical health
and recreation for the material basis of the motion in Public Elementary School District 02 Cikura Olean Tegal
is low under Teaching Mastery criteria, though the teacher tried to teach well. One way that can be done to
improve student learning outcomes learning model created with game modifications circuits. The research
problem is how efforts to improve student learning outcomes Elementary School third grade Cikura 02. The
purpose of this research is to find out as modifying the game circuitry improving basic movement skills for grade
III Elementary School Cikura 02. The research was conducted in the Elementary School District 02 Cikura
Olean, the sample in this study was a third-grade students who totaled 35 students. This research is a class
action consisting of four stages: planning, action, observation and reflection. Observational data collection
techniques in the activity of students in learning basic movement and questionnaires were used to determine the students' response to the motion base model of learning through game modification circuit. Motion analysis of
the observed data base of students in the first cycle obtained yield was 81.43%, while in the second cycle results
obtained 87.71%. Observed data psychomotor performance in the first cycle results obtained 81.49% while
87.54% in the second cycle, the first cycle for affective gained 82.29% in the second cycle results obtained
87.77% and for the observation of cognitive performance is obtained results obtained in the first cycle results
79.31%, while in the second cycle results obtained 85.71%. So the average student activity observed in the first
cycle results obtained 81.10%, while in the second cycle results obtained 85.00%. Learning research has been
carried out through 2 cycles increased. 87.70%. From these data an increase of 6.07%. The conclusion of this
study is learning basic motor skills through game modification circuit can be used as an alternative learning
model of physical education and recreation health so as to overcome the shortcomings of existing facilities and
infrastructure in schools and can make learning models that appeal to students so that students are more
enthusiastic about learning.

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