Main Article Content
The purpose of this study was to determine the effort to develop students' skills aimed at producing improved
learning outcomes gymnastics material balance with bermaian kerarel of class II Elementary School District 05
Lerep West Unggaran Semarang regency. The research method used was a qualitative and quantitative
Data collection techniques using the test observation form of a written test on each cycle and aktvitas
observation sheets for teachers and students. The experiment was conducted in SD N Lerep 05 with grade II
subjects research, which has 21 students, consisting of 11 male students and 10 female students and teachers.
Sources of data obtained from the performance and outcomes of student learning, teacher performance in the
management of learning, and documents obtained from the findings, the record during the course of the study
conducted in two phases: the first cycle, and II.
From the available data it can be concluded that the results of student activity increased in each cycle, the first
cycle was 66.7% with 14 students completed, 90.5% in the second cycle with 19 students completed. In cycle 1
mastery of cognitive achievement (61.9%), psychomotor (66.7%), affective (71.4%). In cycle 2 cognitive mastery
attainment (90.5%), psychomotor (85.7%), affective (90.5%) with a very good category.
learning outcomes gymnastics material balance with bermaian kerarel of class II Elementary School District 05
Lerep West Unggaran Semarang regency. The research method used was a qualitative and quantitative
Data collection techniques using the test observation form of a written test on each cycle and aktvitas
observation sheets for teachers and students. The experiment was conducted in SD N Lerep 05 with grade II
subjects research, which has 21 students, consisting of 11 male students and 10 female students and teachers.
Sources of data obtained from the performance and outcomes of student learning, teacher performance in the
management of learning, and documents obtained from the findings, the record during the course of the study
conducted in two phases: the first cycle, and II.
From the available data it can be concluded that the results of student activity increased in each cycle, the first
cycle was 66.7% with 14 students completed, 90.5% in the second cycle with 19 students completed. In cycle 1
mastery of cognitive achievement (61.9%), psychomotor (66.7%), affective (71.4%). In cycle 2 cognitive mastery
attainment (90.5%), psychomotor (85.7%), affective (90.5%) with a very good category.
Article Details
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