Main Article Content
The purpose of this study was to improve and produce the result namely the teaching method passing
Basketball uses the card task in studiying of sport lesson for Yunior High School students of sport education.
The improving procedure that used by some steps ; 1) To analyze the result that will be improved, 2) To
improve the first result (the teaching method passing Basketball uses the card task), 3) The expert validation
using one sportsman and two teachers, 4) A try out the field by a small group (34 students) and a big group (64
students), 5) To resive and improve the result. The using instrument is to know the result quality by 1 )
Quesionnaires from a sportman, 2) The data of the artery beat getting before and after studying, 3) The
response quesionnaire of psychomotori, cognitive, and affective of the student by questionnaire, 4) The
monitoring of the base tecnique effective that is used in the result namely chest pass, bounce pass, and verhead
pass. The Using conslusion of the teaching result of Passing Basketball uses the card task in studying of sport
lesson from Yunior Haigh School student gives the influence of teh physic intensity of student, can solve teh
problem, it i teh limitedness of instrument and infrastucture at school , can solve teh limitedness of the teaching
time and give the coordination aexperience of complex gesture from the student.
Basketball uses the card task in studiying of sport lesson for Yunior High School students of sport education.
The improving procedure that used by some steps ; 1) To analyze the result that will be improved, 2) To
improve the first result (the teaching method passing Basketball uses the card task), 3) The expert validation
using one sportsman and two teachers, 4) A try out the field by a small group (34 students) and a big group (64
students), 5) To resive and improve the result. The using instrument is to know the result quality by 1 )
Quesionnaires from a sportman, 2) The data of the artery beat getting before and after studying, 3) The
response quesionnaire of psychomotori, cognitive, and affective of the student by questionnaire, 4) The
monitoring of the base tecnique effective that is used in the result namely chest pass, bounce pass, and verhead
pass. The Using conslusion of the teaching result of Passing Basketball uses the card task in studying of sport
lesson from Yunior Haigh School student gives the influence of teh physic intensity of student, can solve teh
problem, it i teh limitedness of instrument and infrastucture at school , can solve teh limitedness of the teaching
time and give the coordination aexperience of complex gesture from the student.
Article Details
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