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Iska Yulianti


This study aimed to determine the improvement of learning outcomes through a sepak takraw game nets hip
hop approach to fifth grade elementary school students Keputran Pekalongan city 01 school year 2012/2013.
This study uses classroom action research was conducted in two cycles of the Cycle I and Cycle II. From the
results of research conducted, found that student achievement had peningkatakan from the initial conditions to
the first cycle to the second cycle, both from an increase in the average value of the high jump and the value of
learning mastery learning outcomes. The average value of learning outcomes in the conditions of the first cycle
of 75.14%, 87.29% and Cycle II, so the average increase student learning outcomes from the first cycle to the
second cycle was 12.15%. The average value of mastery learning outcomes of students as much as the initial
condition (14.29%), first cycle 8 students (57.14%), and the second cycle as many as 14 students (100%). To
increase learning ability in sepak takraw motion can be seen from the KKM (75,00) who have mastery in the
first cycle of students who pass the value of learning as much as 2 out of 14 students (14.29%) and the second
cycle is completed by 13 of 14 students overall or completed by 92.86%. Sepak takraw ability students in
learning this penjas have increased quite high.

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