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This study aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomes through methods volleyball game group
play on fourth grade students of SDN 02 Pantianom Olean District Pekalongan. This study uses classroom
action research was conducted in two cycles of the Cycle I and Cycle II.
From the results of research conducted, found that student achievement had peningkatakan from the initial
conditions to the first cycle to the second cycle, both from an increase in the average value of learning the game
of volleyball as well as the value of mastery learning outcomes. The average value of learning outcomes in the
conditions of the first cycle of 70.52%, 80.98% and Cycle II, so the average increase student learning outcomes
from the first cycle to the second cycle was 10.46%. Ability volleyball game this penjas students in learning has
increased quite high. Conclusions from this research is the use of group play can improve learning outcomes in
the high jump style straddle fourth grade student Olean 02 Patianom District Pekalongan in the Academic
Year 2012-2013.
play on fourth grade students of SDN 02 Pantianom Olean District Pekalongan. This study uses classroom
action research was conducted in two cycles of the Cycle I and Cycle II.
From the results of research conducted, found that student achievement had peningkatakan from the initial
conditions to the first cycle to the second cycle, both from an increase in the average value of learning the game
of volleyball as well as the value of mastery learning outcomes. The average value of learning outcomes in the
conditions of the first cycle of 70.52%, 80.98% and Cycle II, so the average increase student learning outcomes
from the first cycle to the second cycle was 10.46%. Ability volleyball game this penjas students in learning has
increased quite high. Conclusions from this research is the use of group play can improve learning outcomes in
the high jump style straddle fourth grade student Olean 02 Patianom District Pekalongan in the Academic
Year 2012-2013.
Article Details
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